Credit Card

How to Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points in 30 Days

How to Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points in 30 Days

After I ran into some trouble at work, I had to source for  finance to clear it up  in the next couple of weeks, so I went from one family member to another. 

I checked on friends praying that somebody would help me with the funds but no one came through. 

Then, I had to resolve to obtain a loan , so I went to a financial institute as my last resort. I went, hoping fully that they’ll assist but on getting there I found out my credit score was too low for the loan I needed. 

I tried different places but they said there was nothing they could do, they said loaning out to me was a business risk. 

So I returned home dejected, I surrendered to fate but deep down still hoped for a miracle and luckily it came. 

I got first hand knowledge on how to increase my credit score during the shortest time so I took the bull by the horn. 

We all know Improving your credit score by 100 points or more in just 30 days may sound difficult, but it is possible with some discipline and focus. 

And we also know that a higher credit score can mean better interest rates on loans for big purchases like a house or car, so it’s worthwhile to try increasing your score.

This blog post will explain different techniques you can use to raise your credit score quickly and ready for you to leverage.

Why Your Credit Score Matters

When it comes to the world of Credit, Your credit score gives lenders an idea of how reliably you pay back borrowed money. 

The most commonly used credit scores range between 300 and 850 – the higher the better for you.

If you have a 100 point increase in your score, it can lower interest rates substantially and save you thousands of dollars over the life of a loan. 

With some effort, even a difference of what seems like just a few points can mean big savings for you. 


Techniques to Raise Your Credit Score in 30 Days

To successfully Improve  your credit score in a month takes a lot of diligence, but the strategies provided below  can cause your score to surge:

Pay Down Revolving Debt

The amount of credit you’re using is compared to your total available credit limits, also called your credit utilization ratio, heavily impacts credit scores.

So Paying down credit card and other revolving balances can quickly lift your score as it lowers this ratio for you.

You can Aim to get your credit utilization ratio below 30%, and below 10% on each card if possible. Even paying down just one credit card substantially can boost your score in 30 days, isn’t that just what we want. 

Dispute Credit Report Errors

When you Check your credit reports thoroughly and disputing any errors can give your score an almost immediate increase. 

Common errors like incorrectly reported late payments can seriously depress your score but usually get resolved quickly once disputed, quickly raising your score.

So you need to be swift in action when you notice any of such. 

Order free reports

You can use and create dispute letters for each credit bureau reporting incorrect information. 

This can help to improve your score in 30 days or less in many cases.

Become an Authorized User

Another action you can leverage is that If you have a spouse, partner, family member or even friend with a long credit history, solid credit scores, and high credit limits, ask them if they can add you as an authorized user on one of their credit cards.

Being  an authorized user, the card’s entire payment history then gets added to your credit reports, boosting the length of your credit history as well as your credit mix.

I know it’s corny but it is a wise thing to do. 

You just need to be certain they always pay on time, as any late payments would unfortunately  also lower your score.

Yes yes, I know that feeling, so avoid authorized user status on cards with high balances relative to their limit.

Give Each Area of Your Credit a Checkup

Beyond the big steps we’ve provided above, you need to frequently do a full review of your credit reports and histories to identify and correct any other issues holding back your scores. 

Here are the key areas for you to check:

Payment History

Honestly checking your Payment history cannot be overemphasized because it makes up the biggest chunk of your credit score – as much as 35%.

Always Review your payment histories on each credit card and loan in your credit reports. 

Identify any late payments that aren’t legitimate and dispute them immediately . Also, contact any creditors noting late payments and ask them to remove late payment notations as a courtesy for good payment history. 

They likely won’t, but it can’t hurt to ask.

Even one late payment removal can raise your credit score. The more you remove, the more your score may surge in 30 days.

Credit Utilization

As mentioned above, owing a lot on credit cards relative to your credit limits damages credit scores due to high utilization rates.

Make a List of all your credit cards and revolving accounts along with their balances and limits. Try to Identify cards over 30% utilization and pay them down until under 10% utilization if possible. This alone will increase your score drastically.

Credit Age & Mix

The older your credit history and the wider mix of credit types, the better. Having credit cards, installment loans like mortgages or student loans or personal loans, as well as more exotic types like store cards, shows you handle diverse credit well over time.

If need be,  become an authorized user under someone with a long history and mix of credit  so that it can quickly raise your score by adding to your history length and mix diversity.

New Credit Checks

Note that Lenders checking your credit a lot recently can suggest credit riskiness and lower scores. However, credit checks will only impact your  scores temporarily, usually  they fall off reports after a year.

Frequently Review your credit reports and make sure any credit checks listed that you don’t remember initiating get disputed and removed. 

This prevents them from lowering your near-term score. Consider holding off new credit applications until after raising your score.


One of the things which destroys one’s credit score is having Incorrect information on your credit reports. Just a single error can cost 20-30 score points easily.

So Carefully update and  review  all accounts, personal information, addresses, payment histories and other credit report data point-by-point for inaccuracies.

Make sure to Dispute all errors with credit bureaus. If just a few get corrected, your score can jump tremendously.

Maintaining Credit Score Gains Long-Term

Scoring over 100 points higher requires work and consistency, but properly maintaining your now higher credit level is also vital for keeping your score up.

 There are some quick key tips below:

  • Try to Never miss credit card or loan payments,  set payment reminders if you have to 
  • You need to Always keep credit utilization below 30% by paying down cards.
  • You should Only open new credit when absolutely needed, so avoid unnecessary hard inquiries
  • Make sure to Check your credit reports frequently for errors and dispute anything inaccurate
  • Also Consider providing creditors and credit bureaus goodwill letters requesting score boosts after a year or two of perfect payments
  • Stick to credit best practices so that your 700+ score can stay higher for years to come!


You can watch this video:


It gives me joy to inform you that a 700+ Credit Score Awaits Raising your credit score 100 points or more in just 30 days .

Though it requires effort, prioritizing creditors, and careful credit report management. 

But you need to dedicate a month to seriously improving your credit and following the steps here can cause your score to soar incredibly fast.

In just a month, you could upgrade your credit from poor to fair, fair to good, or good to excellent. 

You get to enjoy A new world of better credit, superior loan terms, lower interest rates and financial opportunities when your score crosses key thresholds like 700.

So join me as we decide to raise your score today and commit to disciplined credit management and you’ll see your hard work pay off this same time next month!


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